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A custom made painting titled "They Gather at Laurel Place"by the artist Beverly Ash Gilbert.  The image depicts in bright colours women, children and families gathering around a laurel tree under a full moon.

Welcome to Laurel Place

Laurel Place Inc. is a community-based, government funded, free, specialised and confidential counselling service.


We provide counselling, support, information and education relating to sexual violence. Our team of practitioners are experienced in Psychology, Social Work, Counselling and Human Services.

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A young woman talking in a therapy session

Counselling for adults & young people

You have the right to be believed, and treated with understanding, dignity and respect.

What to expect if you call us seeking support...


1.    Your call will be transferred through to a member from the First Response Team or we may call you back at a time that suits you 

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2. The First Response Counsellor will collect some basic information.

You do not need to share information about your experience at this time.

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3.  We have several programs and locations, our First Response Counsellor will link you in with the service that best suits your needs.

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