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A custom made painting titled "They Gather at Laurel Place"by the artist Beverly Ash Gilbert.  The image depicts in bright colours women, children and families gathering around a laurel tree under a full moon.
Reception Area

Reception Area

The entrance to our Gympie office is warm and welcoming.

Family Counselling Room

Family Counselling Room

A large counselling room with figures which can be used to create therapeutic scenes.

Outside View

Outside View

The external view of our new Gympie office.

Children's Resources

Children's Resources

A shelf of children's resources.

Children's Room

Children's Room

An inviting and playful space for children to be comfortable in.

Laurel Place Gympie provides a range of counselling and support options for all people of all ages who have experienced recent or past sexual violence.

Our office is on the upper level of a two storey office building.  We provide full disability access.


Our programs include:


We also provide information, support and advocacy to assist you with access to other services.


Phone:  (07) 5482 7911


Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm.

What to expect if you call us seeking support...

Phone icon

1.    Your call will be transferred through to a member from the First Response Team or we may call you back at a time that suits you 

Form icon

2. The First Response Counsellor will collect some basic information.

You do not need to share information about your experience at this time.

Consulting icon

3.  We have several programs and locations, our First Response Counsellor will link you in with the service that best suits your needs.

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