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A custom made painting titled "They Gather at Laurel Place"by the artist Beverly Ash Gilbert.  The image depicts in bright colours women, children and families gathering around a laurel tree under a full moon.
(Youth Sexual Violence)

RESET Youth Sexual Violence Program provides Counselling and Intervention to Young People who have engaged in harmful sexual behavior. RESET is primarily an outreach model, based on an early intervention and prevention approach, and provides counselling and support to young people aged 10 to 17 years and their family members.


RESET Programs operate across:


At Laurel Place we recognize that young people who engage in harmful sexual behaviours may have experienced sexual abuse and other adverse childhood experiences.


Our aim is to increase safety for the child victim, the young person and their family or caregivers.


Our First Nations' Client Support Worker is available to work collaboratively with you and your therapist and other relevant community partners.

Referrals are accepted from individuals/parents/carers/guardians, Child Safety Service Centre's, Youth Justice, Queensland Police, Education Queensland and local community agencies using the referral form (download link). 


If you would like more information about RESET please call our First Response Team on 07 5443 4711 or for referring agencies, you can email

What to expect if you call us seeking support...

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1.    Your call will be transferred through to a member from the First Response Team or we may call you back at a time that suits you 

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2. The First Response Counsellor will collect some basic information.

You do not need to share information about your experience at this time.

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3.  We have several programs and locations, our First Response Counsellor will link you in with the service that best suits your needs.

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