Psycho-Education & Skills Building
This is a psychoeducation and skills building group to assist clients understand their trauma and its impacts on their nervous systems. This group goes for 4 weeks and will be run throughout the year at our Moreton location. It is a small group with a maximum of eight people.
By attending the group, group members will learn about how trauma impacts their brains and bodies and strategies that will assist them come into a place of safety and stabilization. Group members will not be sharing their own trauma stories but will be learning how to manage their trauma responses more effectively.
It is hoped this group will reduce feelings of self blame, isolation, feelings of being “weird” or there is something “wrong” with them, and increases client’s understanding of common responses to distress and trauma.
Another aim of the group is to assist clients understand their own trauma responses when feeling threatened or in challenging situations and learn how to bring themselves back to a more grounded and safe state.
Clients will learn about triggers for flight, flight, freeze and fawn. This group will focus on increasing clients sense of safety and will be providing lots of practical strategies they can use. Above all, this group provides a renewed sense of hope that things can be different and is a great springboard for later individual counselling.

Self-referrals and referrals from other service providers can be made by contacting
What to expect if you call us seeking support...

1. Your call will be transferred through to a member from the First Response Team or we may call you back at a time that suits you

2. The First Response Counsellor will collect some basic information.
You do not need to share information about your experience at this time.

3. We have several programs and locations, our First Response Counsellor will link you in with the service that best suits your needs.